<html> <head> <title>cat</title> <body bgcolor=#ffffff> <h2 align=center>cat</h2> <h4 align=center>OS/161 Reference Manual</h4> <h3>Name</h3> cat - concatenate and print files <h3>Synopsis</h3> /bin/cat <em>files...</em> <h3>Description</h3> cat prints the files listed on its command line in order to its standard output. If the magic filename "-" is encountered, cat prints its standard input up to the first EOF. <p> With no arguments, cat prints its standard input. <p> cat takes no options. <p> <h3>Requirements</h3> cat uses the following syscalls: <ul> <li><A HREF=../syscall/open.html>open</A> <li><A HREF=../syscall/read.html>read</A> <li><A HREF=../syscall/write.html>write</A> <li><A HREF=../syscall/close.html>close</A> <li><A HREF=../syscall/_exit.html>_exit</A> </ul> cat should function properly once the basic system calls assignment is completed. </body> </html>