#!/bin/sh # # Kernel config script for OS/161. # # Usage: ./config conf-name # # WARNING! IF YOU JUST RUN "config" INSTEAD OF "./config" YOU WILL # PROBABLY GET THE HOST SYSTEM'S KERNEL CONFIG INSTEAD OF THIS ONE, # WHICH WILL CAUSE WEIRD THINGS TO HAPPEN. DON'T DO IT. # # # Recognized directives: # # file use source file # debug turn on debug info # defoption define an option # optfile if option is enabled, use file # optofffile if option is disabled, use file # defdevice define a device # defattach # define an attachment for a device to a bus # pseudoattach define a pseudo-attachment for a device # # options enable an option # device [at ] enable a particular device [on a particular bus] # # include get additional directives from another file # # Filenames are relative to the top of the kernel tree. # # The comment character is '#'. # # The idea is that the first group of directives is used to set up a # static description of all possible configurations for each supported # architecture. Then a kernel config file uses the second group of # directives to specify a particular configuration. Then this script # is used to first check that the configuration is one of the possible # ones, and then to set up the compile directory, makefiles, and # associated material necessary to actually build that configuration. # # Further documentation is at the top of conf.kern. # # # Make sure we're in the right place. # if [ ! -d ../startup ]; then echo "$0: Run me from src/kern/conf" exit 1 fi ######################################## # # 1. Get configuration name and config file. # CONFNAME=$1 if [ "x$CONFNAME" = x ]; then echo "Usage: $0 CONFIG-NAME" exit 1 fi FOO=`echo $CONFNAME | tr -d 'a-zA-Z0-9_-'` if [ "x$FOO" != x ]; then echo "Illegal configuration name $CONFNAME" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $CONFNAME ]; then echo "$0: $CONFNAME not found" exit 1 fi echo "Configuration $CONFNAME" COMPILEDIR="../compile/$CONFNAME" ######################################## # # 2. Process includes. # Also strip comments. # Simultaneously, do a basic syntax check. # # For an introduction to awk, see # http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~dholland/computers/awk.html # CONFTMP=.conftmp rm -f $CONFTMP echo "$CONFNAME" $CONFTMP | awk ' BEGIN { # # Initialize list of directives and required numbers of words for each. # nfields["include"] = 2; nfields["file"] = 2; nfields["debug"] = 1; nfields["defoption"] = 2; nfields["optfile"] = 3; nfields["optofffile"] = 3; nfields["defdevice"] = 3; nfields["defattach"] = 4; nfields["pseudoattach"] = 2; nfields["options"] = 2; nfields["device"] = 4; # actually 2 or 4, handled specially # # Directives that can be made machine-dependent with "machine" # or "platform". # okmd["file"] = 1; okmd["optfile"] = 1; okmd["optofffile"] = 1; } function doinclude(file, lineno) { # # Include a file. # # lineno is a local. # # Read lines and hand them off recursively to processline(). # lineno = 1; while (getline < file) { if (ERRNO) { printf "%s: %s\n", file, ERRNO; exit(1); } processline(file, lineno); lineno++; } } function processline(filename, lineno) { # # Handle a single config line. # # Strip comments. sub("#.*", "", $0); # Ignore blank lines. if (NF==0) return; direct = $1; foundfields = NF; if (direct == "machine" && NF > 2 && okmd[$3]) { # machine mips file ... direct = $3; foundfields -= 2; } else if (direct == "platform" && NF > 2 && okmd[$3]) { # platform sys161 file ... direct = $3; foundfields -= 2; } # Syntax check: reject unknown directives if (!nfields[direct]) { printf "%s: %d: Unknown directive %s\n", filename, lineno, direct; exit(1); } # Syntax check: require correct # of args. if (direct=="device") { # special case - device directive can have 2 or 4 words if ((NF!=2 && NF!=4) || (NF==4 && $3!="at")) { msg = sprintf("%s: Invalid arguments", direct); printf "%s: %d: %s\n", filename, lineno, msg; exit(1); } } else if (nfields[direct]!=foundfields) { printf "%s: %d: %s: Invalid arguments\n", filename, lineno, direct; exit(1); } # Now actually process the directives we need at this stage - which # is only "include". Handle includes. if (direct == "include") { doinclude("../" $2); } else { print >> outfile; } } # # Code called for lines input on stdin. # There is only one - the one generated above with echo, which # gives us the names of the input and output files to use. # { outfile = $2; doinclude($1); } ' || exit 1 ######################################## # # 3. Create compile dir. # if [ ! -d "$COMPILEDIR" ]; then mkdir $COMPILEDIR fi echo -n 'Generating files...' ######################################## # # 4. Process device attachments into $CONFTMP.attach. # Also add device/attachment files to $CONFTMP.files. # rm -f $CONFTMP.files rm -f $CONFTMP.attach awk < $CONFTMP ' # # Function to grab the "0" off "le0" or the "*" off "wd*". # function getunit(invalmsg, d, u, tmp) { u = d; sub("^[a-zA-Z_]*", "", u); if (u!="*") { tmp = u; sub("[0-9]*", "", tmp); if (tmp!="") { printf "\n%s: Invalid device/unit specification\n", invalmsg; exit(1); } } return u; } # # Function to grab the "le" off "le0" or the "wd" off "wd*". # function getbase(invalmsg, d, base) { base = d; sub("[\\*0-9]*$", "", base); if (!use[base]) { printf "\n%s: No such device\n", invalmsg; exit(1); } return base; } # # Routine invoked for "defdevice" directive lines. # $1=="defdevice" { dev = $2; file = $3; # Check for illegal characters in device name # (must be legal C symbol, and at this point must not have unit number) tmp = dev; sub("[a-zA-Z_]*", "", tmp); if (tmp!="") { printf "\ndefdevice %s: Illegal device name\n", dev; exit(1); } # Device must not have been already defined. if (use[dev]) { printf "\ndefdevice %s: %s already exists\n", dev, dev; exit(1); } # Note that it exists, but is not in use, and remember the # source file for later. use[dev] = "no"; files[dev] = file; } # # Routine called for "defattach" directive lines. # $1=="defattach" { dev = $2; bus = $3; file = $4; # Even though we do not use basebus, busunit, or devunit, # call the routines to compute them, because they check the # syntax. devmsg = "defattach: device " dev; devunit = getunit(devmsg, dev); basedev = getbase(devmsg, dev); busmsg = "defattach: bus " bus; busunit = getunit(busmsg, bus); basebus = getbase(busmsg, bus); if (pseudo[basedev]) { printf "\n%s: Already declared pseudoattach\n", devmsg; exit(1); } # The attachment is the pair of bus and device. # We remember the specific names, including the unit numbers. # This is because "le* at sbus*" is different from "le0 at sbus0" # - the former allows le0 to be at sbus1, allows le1, etc. attachment = bus "." dev; attach[attachment] = "no"; files[attachment] = file; # Remember that attachments are defined for this device. If # attachments are defined, when the device is turned on later # an attachment must be specified. attachable[basedev] = 1; } # # Routine called for "pseudoattach" directive lines. # $1=="pseudoattach" { dev = $2; devmsg = "pseudoattach: device " dev; devunit = getunit(devmsg, dev); basedev = getbase(devmsg, dev); if (attachable[basedev]) { printf "\n%s: Attachments already declared\n", devmsg; exit(1); } # Remember that this device is a pseudo-device. pseudo[basedev] = 1; } # # Helper function for the "device" code. # function tryattach(combo) { if (!attachok && attach[combo]) { # This attachment is defined. Note to compile it in, and report # success. attach[combo] = "yes"; attachok = 1; } } # # Routine called for "device" directive lines. # $1=="device" { dev = $2; if (NF==4) { devmsg = "device: " dev " at " $4; } else { devmsg = "device: device " dev; } devunit = getunit(devmsg, dev); basedev = getbase(devmsg, dev); gendev = basedev "*"; if (NF==4) { # # The longer form, with an attachment ("bus"). # bus = $4; busmsg = "device: " dev " at " bus ": " bus; busunit = getunit(busmsg, bus); basebus = getbase(busmsg, bus); genbus = basebus "*"; if (use[basebus]!="yes") { printf "\ndevice: bus %s: Bus device is not enabled\n", bus; exit(1); } # If the line was "le0 at sbus0", we try to attach it using # the following attachments: # First, the exact thing that was requested: # sbus0.le0 (le0 at sbus0) # Second, for any such device on that bus: # sbus*.le0 (le0 at sbus*) # Third, for that device on any such bus: # sbus0.le* (le* at sbus0) # Fourth, for any such device on any such bus: # sbus*.le* (le* at sbus*) # # If the line was "le* at sbus0", some of these will be # redundant, but that is ok. attachok = 0; tryattach(bus "." dev); tryattach(bus "." gendev); tryattach(genbus "." dev); tryattach(genbus "." gendev); if (!attachok) { # No matching attachment found. printf "\ndevice: %s at %s: Undefined attachment\n", dev, bus; exit(1); } devattach = sprintf("%s %s", basedev, devunit); baseattach = sprintf("%s %s", basebus, busunit); printf "attach %s at %s\n", devattach, baseattach >> attachfile; } else { # No bus specified to attach the device to (really, to find the # device attached on.) This is only legal if no attachments # at all were defined for the device, which is the case if the # device is in fact not attached to anything else (like the main # system bus, or a device like /dev/null that has no hardware.) # The opposite check to this is not required in the # preceding section because no attachment can be found if # attachable[basedev] is false. if (attachable[basedev]) { printf "\ndevice %s: attachment required\n", dev; exit(1); } if (pseudo[basedev]) { if (devunit=="*") { printf "\n%s: May not use wildcard units here\n", devmsg; exit(1); } printf "pseudo %s %s\n", basedev, devunit >> attachfile; } else { printf "noattach %s\n", basedev >> attachfile; } } use[basedev] = "yes"; } # # Routine invoked when we have seen all the input. # END { # Print out the source filenames for the devices and attachments # we are using. for (dev in use) { if (use[dev]=="yes") { printf "* * %s\n", files[dev] >> filelistfile; } } for (att in attach) { if (attach[att]=="yes") { printf "* * %s\n", files[att] >> filelistfile; } } } ' "attachfile=$CONFTMP.attach" "filelistfile=$CONFTMP.files" || exit 1 ######################################## # # 5. Process options. # awk < $CONFTMP ' # # Routine for a defoption line. # $1=="defoption" { opt = $2; options[opt] = "no"; } # # Routine for an optfile line. # $1=="optfile" || (($1=="machine" || $1=="platform") && $3=="optfile") { if ($1 == "optfile") { opt = $2; file = $3; platform = "*"; machine = "*"; } else { if ($1=="machine") { platform = "*"; machine = $2; } else { platform = $2; machine = "*"; } opt = $4; file = $5; } if (!options[opt]) { printf "\noptfile %s %s: No such option %s\n", opt, file, opt; exit(1); } controllers[file] = opt; platforms[file] = platform; machines[file] = machine; } # # Routine for an optofffile line. # $1=="optofffile" || (($1=="machine" || $1=="platform") &&$3=="optofffile"){ if ($1 == "optofffile") { opt = $2; file = $3; platform = "*"; machine = "*"; } else { if ($1=="machine") { platform = "*"; machine = $2; } else { platform = $2; machine = "*"; } opt = $4; file = $5; } if (!options[opt]) { printf "\noptofffile %s %s: No such option %s\n", opt, file, opt; exit(1); } offcontrollers[file] = opt; platforms[file] = platform; machines[file] = machine; } # # Routine for an options line. # $1=="options" { opt = $2; if (!options[$2]) { printf "\noptions %s: No such option\n", opt; exit(1); } options[$2] = "yes"; } # # Routine invoked when we have seen everything. # END { # # First, add any files to the list of sources we are building. # for (file in controllers) { if (options[controllers[file]]=="yes") { line = sprintf("%s %s %s", platforms[file], machines[file], file); printf "%s\n", line >> filelistfile; } } for (file in offcontrollers) { if (options[offcontrollers[file]]=="no") { line = sprintf("%s %s %s", platforms[file], machines[file], file); printf "%s\n", line >> filelistfile; } } close(filelistfile); # # Now, generate the .h file for every option # (both the ones that are on and the ones that are off) # for (opt in options) { realfile = compiledir "/opt-" opt ".h"; file = realfile ".new"; sym = toupper(opt); printf "/* Automatically generated; do not edit */\n" > file; printf "#ifndef _OPT_%s_H_\n", sym >> file; printf "#define _OPT_%s_H_\n", sym >> file; val = options[opt]=="yes" ? 1 : 0; printf "#define OPT_%s %d\n", sym, val >> file; printf "#endif /* _OPT_%s_H_ */\n", sym >> file; close(file); } } ' "compiledir=$COMPILEDIR" "filelistfile=$CONFTMP.files" || exit 1 # Avoid changing the actual headers if they aren't different, so as to # reduce unnecessary recompiles. ( cd $COMPILEDIR for NF in opt-*.h.new; do OF=`echo $NF | sed 's/\.new$//'` if diff $OF $NF >/dev/null 2>&1; then rm -f $NF # unchanged else mv -f $NF $OF # it changed fi echo -n " $OF" done ) ######################################## # # 6. Add in the unconditional files. # awk < $CONFTMP ' $1=="file" { printf "* * %s\n", $2 >> filelistfile; } $1=="machine" && $3=="file" { printf "* %s %s\n", $2, $4 >> filelistfile; } $1=="platform" && $3=="file" { printf "%s * %s\n", $2, $4 >> filelistfile; } ' "filelistfile=$CONFTMP.files" || exit 1 # # autoconf.c (which we generate further down) is always compiled in but # is not in the list yet. Note that the path to it is where we are about # to put it: it lives in the build directory, because it's part of a # particular build. # echo "* * compile/$CONFNAME/autoconf.c" >> $CONFTMP.files ######################################## # # 7. We now have the compile file list. # Generate files.mk. # # # Validate list first. # # We allow C++ files, because the makefile rules we generate are # sufficient to compile them. However, some low-level kernel hacking # will be needed to actually use C++ in OS/161. # awk < $CONFTMP.files ' /\.cc$/ { next; } /\.cpp$/ { next; } /\.C$/ { next; } /\.c$/ { next; } #/\.l$/ { next; } # will require some makefile hacking to make work #/\.y$/ { next; } # will require some makefile hacking to make work /\.S$/ { next; } /\.o$/ { next; } { printf "\n%s: Unrecognized source file type\n", $1; exit(1); } ' || exit 1; # # Do it. # Generate a make rule for each file. # sort < $CONFTMP.files | awk ' BEGIN { printf "# Automatically generated by config; do not edit\n"; } { platform = $1; machine = $2; file = $3; # get basename basename = file; sub(".*/", "", basename); # get extension ext = basename; sub(".*\\.", "", ext); sub("\\.[^\\.]*$", "", basename); if (file ~ "^\\.\\./") { sub("^...", "", file); path = "$(TOP)/" file; } else { path = "$(KTOP)/" file; } # # For now a file cannot be both platform-dependent and # machine-dependent, so this sequence of tests is enough. # if (platform != "*") { printf "SRCS.PLATFORM.%s+=%s\n", platform, path; } else if (machine != "*") { printf "SRCS.MACHINE.%s+=%s\n", machine, path; } else { printf "SRCS+=%s\n", path; } } ' > $COMPILEDIR/files.mk rm -f $CONFTMP.files echo -n ' files.mk' ######################################## # # 8. (reserved) # ######################################## # # 9. Generate Makefile # ( echo "# Automatically generated by config; do not edit." echo "#" echo echo '# Top of the kernel tree' echo 'KTOP=../..' echo '# Top of the whole tree' echo 'TOP=$(KTOP)/..' echo '# Debug vs. optimize' awk < $CONFTMP ' # Default: optimize. BEGIN { debugflags="-O2"; } $1=="debug" { debugflags="-g"; } END { printf "KDEBUG=%s\n", debugflags; } ' echo '# Name of the kernel config file' echo "CONFNAME=$CONFNAME" echo echo '.include "$(TOP)/mk/os161.config.mk"' echo '.include "files.mk"' echo '.include "$(TOP)/mk/os161.kernel.mk"' ) > $COMPILEDIR/Makefile || exit 1 echo -n ' Makefile' ######################################## # # 10. (reserved) # ######################################## # # 11. Process attachment list. # Generate autoconf.[ch]. # ACHREAL=$COMPILEDIR/autoconf.h ACH=$COMPILEDIR/autoconf.h.new ACC=$COMPILEDIR/autoconf.c echo '/* Automatically generated; do not edit */' > $ACH echo '/* Automatically generated; do not edit */' > $ACC echo '#ifndef _AUTOCONF_H_' >> $ACH echo '#define _AUTOCONF_H_' >> $ACH # # first, declare struct foo_softc for all devices foo. # echo >> $ACH awk < $CONFTMP.attach '{ printf "struct %s_softc;\n", $2 }' >> $ACH # # second, declare the autoconf_foo functions for unattached devices. # # The autoconf_foo functions for attached devices are file-static # in autoconf.c. # echo >> $ACH awk < $CONFTMP.attach '$1=="noattach" { print $2 }' | sort -u | awk ' { printf "void autoconf_%s(struct %s_softc *dev, int unit);\n", $1, $1; } ' >> $ACH # # third, declare the attach functions. # echo >> $ACH awk < $CONFTMP.attach ' $1=="attach" { dev = $2; bus = $5; f = sprintf("struct %s_softc *attach_%s_to_%s", dev, dev, bus); printf "%s(int devunit, struct %s_softc *bus);\n", f, bus; } $1=="pseudo" { dev = $2; printf "struct %s_softc *pseudoattach_%s(int devunit);\n", dev, dev; } ' >> $ACH # # fourth, declare the config functions. # echo >> $ACH awk < $CONFTMP.attach ' $1=="attach" { dev = $2; printf "int config_%s(struct %s_softc *dev, int unit);\n", dev, dev; } ' >> $ACH # # Declare pseudoconfig() # echo >> $ACH echo 'void pseudoconfig(void);' >> $ACH echo >> $ACH # # Done with the header file. # echo '#endif /* _AUTOCONF_H_ */' >> $ACH # # Avoid changing the actual autoconf.h if it's not different, so as to # reduce unnecessary recompiles. # if diff $ACHREAL $ACH >/dev/null 2>&1; then rm -f $ACH # unchanged else mv -f $ACH $ACHREAL # it changed fi echo -n ' autoconf.h' # # now, autoconf.c # echo '#include ' >> $ACC echo '#include ' >> $ACC echo '#include "autoconf.h"' >> $ACC # # first, declare the static autoconf_foo functions and the nextunit_foo vars # echo >> $ACC awk < $CONFTMP.attach '$1=="attach" || $1=="pseudo" { print $2 }' | sort -u |\ awk ' { printf "static void autoconf_%s(struct %s_softc *, int);\n", $1, $1; } ' >> $ACC awk < $CONFTMP.attach '$1=="attach" { print $2 }' | sort -u | awk ' { printf "static int nextunit_%s;\n", $1; } ' >> $ACC echo >> $ACC # # Now generate the tryattach_ functions. # awk < $CONFTMP.attach ' $1=="attach" { dev = $2; bus = $5; printf "static\n"; printf "int\n"; printf "tryattach_%s_to_%s", dev, bus; printf "(int devunit, struct %s_softc *bus, int busunit)\n", bus; printf "{\n"; printf "\tstruct %s_softc *dev;\n", dev; printf "\tint result;\n", dev; printf "\n"; printf "\tdev = attach_%s_to_%s(devunit, bus);\n", dev, bus; printf "\tif (dev==NULL) {\n"; printf "\t\treturn -1;\n"; printf "\t}\n"; printf "\tkprintf(\"%s%%d at %s%%d\", devunit, busunit);\n", dev, bus; printf "\tresult = config_%s(dev, devunit);\n", dev; printf "\tif (result != 0) {\n"; printf "\t\tkprintf(\": %%s\\n\", strerror(result));\n"; # Note: we leak the device softc instead of trying # to clean it up. printf "\t\t/* should really clean up dev */\n"; printf "\t\treturn result;\n"; printf "\t}\n"; printf "\tkprintf(\"\\n\");\n"; printf "\tnextunit_%s = devunit+1;\n", dev; printf "\tautoconf_%s(dev, devunit);\n", dev; printf "\treturn 0;\n"; printf "}\n"; printf "\n"; } ' >> $ACC echo >> $ACC # # Now comes the tricky part, actually writing those autoconf # functions. We need one for every device. In each one, there needs # to be a probe section for each line in $CONFTMP.attach in which that # device appears on the *right hand* (bus) side. # awk < $CONFTMP.attach ' BEGIN { nlines=0; npseudo=0; } $1=="attach" { devs[nlines] = $2; devunits[nlines] = $3; buses[nlines] = $5; busunits[nlines] = $6; alldevs[$2] = 1; nlines++; } $1=="noattach" { alldevs[$2] = 0; } $1=="pseudo" { alldevs[$2] = 0; pseudodevs[npseudo] = $2; pseudounits[npseudo] = $3; npseudo++; } function genprobe(dev, devunit, bus, busunit) { tryfunc = sprintf("tryattach_%s_to_%s", dev, bus); if (busunit!="*") { printf "\tif (busunit==%d) {\n", busunit; } else { printf "\t{\n"; } if (devunit!="*") { printf "\t\tif (nextunit_%s <= %d) {\n", dev, devunit; printf "\t\t\t%s(%d, bus, busunit);\n", tryfunc, devunit; printf "\t\t}\n"; } else { printf "\t\tint result, devunit=nextunit_%s;\n", dev; printf "\t\tdo {\n"; printf "\t\t\tresult = %s(devunit, bus, busunit);\n", tryfunc; printf "\t\t\tdevunit++;\n"; printf "\t\t} while (result==0);\n"; } printf "\t}\n"; } END { for (bus in alldevs) { softc = sprintf("struct %s_softc", bus); if (alldevs[bus]) printf "static\n"; printf "void\n"; printf "autoconf_%s(%s *bus, int busunit)\n", bus, softc; printf "{\n"; printf "\t(void)bus; (void)busunit;\n"; for (i=0; i> $ACC echo -n ' autoconf.c' rm -f $CONFTMP $CONFTMP.attach ######################################## # # Done. # echo echo "Configuration in ../compile/$CONFNAME done" echo "Remember to bmake depend"