con.html 681 B

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>console</title>
  4. <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
  5. <h2 align=center>con</h2>
  6. <h4 align=center>OS/161 Reference Manual</h4>
  7. <h3>Name</h3>
  8. con - system login console
  9. <h3>Synopsis</h3>
  10. device con0 at lser*<br>
  11. device con0 at lscreen*<br>
  12. <h3>Description</h3>
  13. The generic console device can be attached to either a serial port or
  14. a memory-mapped screen. It provides no internal buffering or input
  15. editing. You may add such features if you desire.
  16. <p>
  17. The in-kernel kprintf() routine and its relatives send their
  18. output to the console device.
  19. <h3>Files</h3>
  20. <tt>con:</tt>
  21. <h3>See Also</h3>
  22. <A HREF=lser.html>lser</A>,
  23. <A HREF=lscreen.html>lscreen</A>
  24. </body>
  25. </html>