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- <html>
- <head>
- <title>bigfile</title>
- <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
- <h2 align=center>bigfile</h2>
- <h4 align=center>OS/161 Reference Manual</h4>
- <h3>Name</h3>
- bigfile - create a large file in small chunks
- <h3>Synopsis</h3>
- /testbin/bigfile <em>filename</em> <em>size</em>
- <h3>Description</h3>
- bigfile creates a file of the specified size in fairly small chunks.
- <h3>Requirements</h3>
- bigfile uses the following system calls:
- <ul>
- <li> <A HREF=../syscall/open.html>open</A>
- <li> <A HREF=../syscall/write.html>write</A>
- <li> <A HREF=../syscall/close.html>close</A>
- <li> <A HREF=../syscall/_exit.html>_exit</A>
- </ul>
- bigfile should run on emufs once the basic system calls are complete,
- and should run on SFS once the file system assignment is complete.
- Sufficiently small files should work on SFS even before that point.
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