1. # Kernel config file for assignment 2.
  2. # This config builds with optimization for performance testing.
  3. include conf/conf.kern # get definitions of available options
  4. #debug # Optimizing compile (no debug).
  5. options noasserts # Disable assertions.
  6. #
  7. # Device drivers for hardware.
  8. #
  9. device lamebus0 # System/161 main bus
  10. device emu* at lamebus* # Emulator passthrough filesystem
  11. device ltrace* at lamebus* # trace161 trace control device
  12. device ltimer* at lamebus* # Timer device
  13. device lrandom* at lamebus* # Random device
  14. device lhd* at lamebus* # Disk device
  15. device lser* at lamebus* # Serial port
  16. #device lscreen* at lamebus* # Text screen (not supported yet)
  17. #device lnet* at lamebus* # Network interface (not supported yet)
  18. device beep0 at ltimer* # Abstract beep handler device
  19. device con0 at lser* # Abstract console on serial port
  20. #device con0 at lscreen* # Abstract console on screen (not supported)
  21. device rtclock0 at ltimer* # Abstract realtime clock
  22. device random0 at lrandom* # Abstract randomness device
  23. #options net # Network stack (not supported)
  24. options sfs # Always use the file system
  25. #options netfs # Not until assignment 5 (if you choose it)
  26. options dumbvm # Chewing gum and baling wire for asst 1&2.
  27. #options synchprobs # No longer needed/wanted after asst. 1
  28. # UW options for assignment 1 + 2
  29. options A2 # use #if OPT_A2 to mark code for A2
  30. options A1 # includes your A1 code in A2 (you need this e.g., locks)