bigfile.html 834 B

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>bigfile</title>
  4. <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
  5. <h2 align=center>bigfile</h2>
  6. <h4 align=center>OS/161 Reference Manual</h4>
  7. <h3>Name</h3>
  8. bigfile - create a large file in small chunks
  9. <h3>Synopsis</h3>
  10. /testbin/bigfile <em>filename</em> <em>size</em>
  11. <h3>Description</h3>
  12. bigfile creates a file of the specified size in fairly small chunks.
  13. <h3>Requirements</h3>
  14. bigfile uses the following system calls:
  15. <ul>
  16. <li> <A HREF=../syscall/open.html>open</A>
  17. <li> <A HREF=../syscall/write.html>write</A>
  18. <li> <A HREF=../syscall/close.html>close</A>
  19. <li> <A HREF=../syscall/_exit.html>_exit</A>
  20. </ul>
  21. bigfile should run on emufs once the basic system calls are complete,
  22. and should run on SFS once the file system assignment is complete.
  23. Sufficiently small files should work on SFS even before that point.
  24. </body>
  25. </html>