# CS 456 A1 - Message Reversing Sockets! This assignment consists of 2 python applications: server and client.py, and their respective .sh startup scripts. ## Build Information - This was tested on linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca, so the ubuntu1604 servers maintained by the CS faculty at uWaterloo. - Testing included using the same server (004) for both client and server, and a combination of 004 and 002. - The python version used was 3.5.2 ## Deployment To run either the client or server, in the directory in which they reside, run "./[server || client].sh" with the command line parameters as following (each parameter separated by a space): - Server: integer representing the req_code - Client: server machine's hostname, the n_port of the server as logged on the console, the req_code, the string to be reversed (quoted) ## Authors * **Tareef Dedhar** - *All work*