#!/bin/bash #Run script for client distributed as part of #Assignment 1 #Computer Networks (CS 456) #Number of parameters: 4 #Parameter: # $1: # $2: # $3: # $4: message #Uncomment exactly one of the following commands depending on your implementation #For C/C++ implementation #./client $1 $2 $3 "$4" #For Java implementation #java client $1 $2 $3 "$4" #For Python implementation if [ "$#" -ne 4 ]; then echo "Program takes 4 parameters, which are a server address, server port, req_code, and string (in quotes) to be reversed" exit 1 fi python3 client.py $1 $2 $3 "$4" #For Ruby implementation #ruby client.rb $1 $2 $3 "$4"