514 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #Run script for the server distributed as a part of
  3. #Assignment 1
  4. #Computer Networks (CS 456)
  5. #
  6. #Number of parameters: 1
  7. #Parameter:
  8. # $1: <req_code>
  9. #
  10. #Uncomment exactly one of the following commands depending on implementation
  11. #For C/C++ implementation
  12. #./server $1
  13. #For Java implementation
  14. #java server $1
  15. #For Python implementation
  16. if [ "$#" -ne 1 ];
  17. then
  18. echo "Program takes 1 parameter, which is a req_code"
  19. exit 1
  20. fi
  21. python3 $1
  22. #For Ruby implementation
  23. #ruby server.rb $1